



The Tuckshop aims to provide an affordable food service that encourages our children and parents to choose a healthy diet. The tuckshop is a member of the Queensland Association of School Tuckshops and Nutrition Australia. From these organisations we receive a wealth of information about nutrition and about how to apply good principles of nutrition in school tuckshops.

The tuckshop convenor, who is employed by the Parents & Citizens Association, manages the tuckshop. The convenor runs the tuckshop with the assistance of a small band of much-valued volunteers. They are required to attend regular seminars on nutrition and safe food-handling practices to ensure our tuckshop is maintained in a safe and hygienic manner.

Except for the first week of school, the tuckshop is open Wednesday and Thursday each week and provides both morning tea and lunch. Download our tuckshop menu (PDF, 344KB) or they are available from the tuckshop or office.

The tuckshop operates on a bag system. Write, or have your child write, an order for morning tea and/or lunch on the lower half of separate paper bags. The order should include the following details:

  • your child’s name and class
  • label the bag 'Little lunch' or 'Big lunch'
  • list the items being ordered, specifying flavour where necessary
  • the amount of money you have placed in the bag.

These bags are put into boxes allocated for tuckshop in your child’s classroom before school starts and then sent to the tuckshop for processing. This ordering system enables parents to have input into their children's food choices at the tuckshop. Tuckshop bags are available from the tuckshop and/or classrooms.

Tuckshop Volunteers

The tuckshop cannot exist without its volunteer helpers. We welcome help from mums, dads, grandparents, other caregivers, friends and community members. The tuckshop always needs more helpers. Roster yourself on with a friend, or come on your own and make new friends. Help is required from 8.30am to 1.30pm each day, but if you can give even an hour or two, this is still very welcome – we can make use of any time you are able to give us. There are many advantages of volunteering to work at school. Parents have mentioned the following as reasons they choose to work at the tuckshop:

  • it helps our children and the school
  • it is a good way to get to understand the way the school operates and functions
  • it is good to meet other parents
  • children enjoy seeing their parents at school
  • it is a chance to get to know the children’s friends and their teachers
  • it is a lot of fun
  • it is a way of making a worthwhile contribution to the children’s nutrition education by supporting teachers in their health program
  • parents get a chance to talk to other parents with similar interests (e.g. parents with children of similar ages and issues).

Contact – Amanda (convenor) on (07) 4150 1124 for further details.

Last reviewed 19 February 2020
Last updated 19 February 2020